HSE Policy
HSE Policy
At Al Marhoon Contracting, we are committed to:
Ensuring the safety of our employees, subcontractors, and all individuals involved in our activities by providing a safe working environment and fostering a safety culture.
Developing a positive health and safety culture throughout our organization, aiming for zero Lost Time Injuries and prioritizing the health and well-being of every individual.
Adopting recognized best practices that comply with local and national health and safety legislation, while also meeting the highest international standards and aligning with Al Marhoon Contracting's procedures and standards.
Providing adequate training to all employees to enhance safe working practices, promoting a zero-tolerance approach to unsafe acts that could lead to financial, legal, and moral obligations.
Identifying occupational hazards, evaluating risks, implementing control measures, and taking corrective and preventive actions before commencing any activity, with the active involvement and support of all employees.
Continuously monitoring and reviewing work procedures to ensure the adoption of new methods and safe working practices.
The Occupational Health and Safety Policy is an integral part of our core business at Al Marhoon Contracting. Our project management team will regularly review the policy to ensure its compliance with legal requirements and its ongoing relevance, achievability, and credibility. We are committed to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for all, and we strive for continuous improvement in our health and safety practices.